Sunday, June 14, 2009

You are so blessed today. Ashley of Hazel Olive Designs has designed the cutest little mini kit for you. You can pick it up over at K-Joi Studios. I have made a Freebie QP for you with the Poppy Chick kit.



You can download your Poppy Chick QP Freebie here.
Can you say WOW!!! This is 2 kits coming out at the same time. You are so blessed, because they are so cute. Ashley of Hazel Olive Designs has been at it again. Her newest digiscrapping kit is He Sells Sea Shells. I know that you will like it, so you can head on over to K-Joi Studios to get yours too. I had so much fun making my freebie QP with this kit. I know that you will love scrapping all your beach pictures.



You can download my freebie QP here. Enjoy!!! :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One Country Summer

Ashley of Hazel Olive Designs has the COOLEST!!! kit ever on sale now at Digiridoo Scraps called One Country Summer. Go check out her blog (she has some cool freebies there) and check out her store. Here is a preview of the kit.

One Country Summer Preview 1

One Country Summer Preview2

I had SOOOOOOOO much fun playing with this. I originally had a different picture in mind, but the legs were cut off at the knees and it just wouldn't work. So I looked through my pictures and a plan started to formulate. The castle is Cinderella's Castle at Disney World. (We went there last summer). Willard was running down a hill last summer and my Brother-in-love David took the picture of him. Abby and Preston were playing in the front yard just a couple of days ago. So all in all, I think it worked out terrific. This is one of my favorite pages that I have made so far. I think it is so cool. I love these fairy tale, almost real life scrapbook pages.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What an exciting day... ;D

It really is an exciting day. I got accepted to another creative team. I am so excited Woooo Hooo!!! This lovely lady's name is AshleyMeek, her blog is Scrap Like Mad. She is such a creative person. She says that she hasn't been a designer for very long, but from the looks of her stuff, you wouldn't be able to tell.

Mom is also coming today, she is on her way. And she should have been here by now, but her flight got cancelled in El Paso, so she is stuck at the airport for a little while. O well, gives me more time to strighten up the house. If you don't have kids, well let me tell you they are like F5 tornado's coming through your house. You have have it all nice and tidy, and then the kids get home. And like in 5 minutes, all that hard work you did is, well its buried under school books, candy wrappers or whatever else it is that they drag in with them. O well, I love my kids, I just make them help me clean it up. So anyway, this afternoon, I am doing some Crisis Cleaning. Check out Fly Lady for info on that. Suffice it to say her program works great, if you stick with it and dont get addicted to digital scrapbooking.... ;)

Anyhow, back to Mom. We are going to the Great American Scrapbook Convention. Ahhhh, heaven. I am real curious to see what they have in the way of digital scrapbooking. Better take bank though, cuz there is so much stuff, one could go wild if you wanted to.

And then, on Saturday, we are going to a George Straight concert at the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, I am so excited. Thank you Marcus!!!! :)

Oh this summer is getting off to a great start, starting with Mom getting delayed. (Gives me more time to clean the house.... ;) )

Oh, I went fishing with my wonderful Hubby and Father-in-love this Sunday and I kicked butt!!!! Took names!!! Yep, kicked those experienced fishermens butts!!! Ha. Caught a 5 1/2 pounder, Derrick said she looked closer to 6 pounds, I thought about 7 or 8, evangelasically speaking..... LOL!! The funny thing about it was I didn't even fish that much. It was hot so I fished a little at the start, took a swim, sunbathed and read, then about 30 minutes or so before we left, I figured I should pick up my rod again and fish. Caught 2 in a row! Boo Yah!! This one is the bragger though. LOVE IT!!!

Well, I better get back to it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Vintange Princess

Designs by Ashlee has a beautiful kit called Vintage Princess. Good for all your girly and heritage pages. You can pick it up at Digital Scrapbook Mania. It is full of beautiful pinks, purples and greens with tons of embellishments. You can't go wrong with this one.


Whistle While You Work

Shhhh... I don't think I'm supposed to be posting these yet, but Robyn has a new kit out. All your construction stuff, kids projects, painting, wood work, you name it. This kit can handle it. Here are the pages that I made with this awesome kit.

Willard is really into his crafts here.

Boy the kids sure do enjoy helping their daddy do things. They mostly get in the way, but they think they are helping. They had fun in this pool until Ruthie decided to go for a swim and her nail poked a hole in the plastic.